Is your event not listed? Do you wish to put in alternate text? Then please, use the form below, and add what information you may to what is listed.
Date: (In the form of YYYYMMDD please) for day events -or- (In the form of YYYYMMDD-YYYYMMDD please) for longer ones. -
If it is a regular event, it might happen weekly, or on a certain day of the month, or on certain weekday(s ... if it happens on more than one, (eg. first and third Thursdays) please put in a seperate event announcement for each at the moment ...) of the month. Weekly events should be in the form of "Wednesday" and those on weekdays should be in the form of 1st Monday (one in each box) - and those that fall on certain days of the month should be in the format of XXXXXX15 to be found on the fifteenth day of every month of every year from 9pm to midnight.
Time: The start and end time of your event, if it has one. Multi-day events (unless the start and end time is applicable for every day of the event, say a play happening between 2000-2230 hours (8pm-10:30pm) every evening for the weekend in question) should not have a start and end time listed. (In the form of HHMM-HHMM with the hours as a 24 hour clock, please.) -
Event Name: This is the name of your event, please avoid characters like "'", "/", "\", and "&" (matter of fact, just stick to letters, numbers, and spaces) so as not to confuse the parser.
The relevant information:
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