The Next Generation of BDSM in Maine is here!ME-TNG
LinksWe realize that we are just one group of several. We cannot exist without the support of our brother and sisters who have been fighting the good fight right with us. These are by no means all of them. These are organizations and vendors that we personally have worked with and have had contact with. Check them out and see if they have any guidance and info for you too! Maine Based Groups New England Groups National Organizations Maine Based GroupsCUFS Maine: BDSM organization based mostly in Southern Maine. Geared toward Safety and education of BDSM for the state of Maine. CMA: BDSM organization based in Northern Maine. Harbor Masters: Gay and Lesbian BDSM group based in Portland Maine area. Kindred: Gay/Lesbian leather/ levi group based in Augusta Maine. New England GroupsBoston Dungeon Society: Well known and respected BDSM organization based in... You guessed it... Boston. MOB: Leather women's organization based in Massachusetts. The group focuses on support and education for women in the BDSM community. Bound for Pleasure (BFP): BDSM social group based in Boston. These guys do some great classes. New England Leather Association: New England Chapter of the National Leather Association. East Coast Brothers and SistersThe Eulenspiegel Society (TES)- These guys have been doing this for over 30 years in New York. TES-TiNG is based here. Black Rose- Washington DC based and home base for BR-TNG
National OrganizationsNational Coalition for Sexual Freedom (NCSF): a national advocacy and lobbying organization promoting tolerance of sexual minorities National Leather Association International (NLA-I)- Promoting education, communication, and information worldwide to those into the leather scene. BDSM Vendors(COMING SOON!!!!!!) |
Copyright 2000 ME-TNG